Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014

The thing about being a writer...

…is that we think too much. We overthink, we think things through, we try to see things from every possible angle. We like to know what other people think, we watch people, we even eavesdrop on stranger’s conversations. We ask ourselves a million questions when we meet someone, but we still mostly want to know what that person thinks right then. At least, I do. Do you? I guess so. 

We try to control situations by giving characters in our stories some meaning; a point in their being.
But that’s fictional, it all is. It’s not real. Real life is a challenge. Feelings aren’t as shiny as they are described in your favorite love stories. Meeting your significant other isn’t always like fireworks. Love isn’t easy. The made-up conflicts from your story suddenly become your conflict. And that’s the mean thing. That’s what sucks. 

Conflicts. You have them every day in real life. You have to deal with them. And you put them on characters and let them deal with them to get the story going. You solve the whole thing within the story and at the end there’s most likely a happy ending. 

But what do you do when it’s not a story anymore? When fiction becomes reality? When you can’t control the outcome anymore because it’s not a story you write. You don’t know what every individual thinks, you don’t control the situation. You have to wait on their actions. 

So for me being a writer is to deal with problems, dumping problems on characters, and not knowing how to deal with them when they’re dumped on me. I love to write and I love to read, but I hate real life problems that are pretty easy to solve if there weren’t the other people who might think God knows what. It would be nice if it’d be as easy as solving a character’s problem in a book.

Samstag, 5. Juli 2014


Like I promised a few days ago there will be a big giveaway and here it is. Jennifer L. Armentrout kindly provided the copies.
Please share the link with your friends on twitter, facebook and other pages.
Participants MUST have a mailing address in Germany, Austria or Switzerland! 
You can find the rafflecopter giveaway when you scroll all the way down.

There is one more copy to give away. ****ONE hardcover copy of "Ti Aspettavo" ****
If you are from Italy or Switzerland leave a comment telling me that you want the book and your email address (in English or German please) and one winner will be picked randomly. 



Wie vor ein paar Tagen versprochen gibt es Bücher zu gewinnen und Swag Packs.

Teilt den Link mit euren Freunden auf Twitter, Facebook oder anderen Seiten.
Die Gewinner MÜSSEN eine Adresse in Deutschland, Österreich oder der Schweiz haben!
Es ist ein rafflecopter giveaway und wenn ihr ganz runterscrollt, dann könnt ihr mmitmachen.

Es gibt noch ein weiteres Buch.
**** ONE hardcover copy of "Ti Aspettavo" ****
Wenn du aus Italien oder der Schweiz bist, dann hinterlasse einen Kommentar und sag, dass du das Buch willst mit deiner email Adresse zusammen (in English oder Deutsch) und ein Gewinner wird durch Zufall gezogen. 


May the odds be ever in your favor! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway