is never easy. Never was and never will be. You're naïve if you
really think it gets easier. There will always be problems you have
to deal with. No matter how hard it is, you have to get through it,
day by day.
think it's true that life only puts you through the things you're
strong enough to survive. Maybe you need to be strong for a long time
and you'll feel like you can't take it anymore but I've learned that
you can go through a lot without actually realizing how far you've
made it. From time to time you'll forget how far you've come but one
day all those things, the memories, will come back and you will
realize what you're capable of. That you're strong enough to do this.
That you can face the challenges life puts you in. Just don't give
matter how hard it seems, it goes on! That's what you'll learn and
it's true. It's what life teaches you. And no matter how hard it
seems, sometimes you need to try harder. Try harder to hold on or try
harder to let go. There will be things you regret doing but the
things you didn't do will be the ones you really regret 'cause some
won't come back. Take the chances life hands you.
will get your heart broken and you will break hearts and you'll get
through it. And sometimes, it doesn't matter how hard you try, it
won't be enough. Be strong, try something new, be reckless. Live
will disappoint people and people will disappoint you. Don't live
your life always trying to reach other people's expectations. Try
your best to make your days as good as possible.
your dreams. Succeed or fail. Be satisfied or try again. Don't let
people hold you back when you're willing to risk it all. You will
lose people you love on the way and you'll meet new ones. Some may
stay forever, others just for a while.
will make bad decisions, put the wrong people first and hurt others.
Follow your heart, live your life and make your dreams become your
reality. Make mistakes, bad choices and fuck up. Don't regret
everything that went wrong – learn from it. And no matter how bad
it is, always remember: Life Goes On!
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