Samstag, 27. April 2013

Don't fight your feelings, fight your demons.

I started to realize that people would rather throw everything away, give up or hide their feelings than to fight for the things they really want in life. I've been there, I pushed people away because I was afraid to let them in. I told people I don't have real feelings for them because I was afraid they'd leave again. It's easier than dealing with the pain, I told myself, but it's not true. The pain that hits you when you finally realize your mistake by pushing someone away who could've been your everything but you're too late to tell him... that pain isn't worth anything. Every day when you wake up it'll hit you again. Sometimes harder than ever before, sometimes barely. But it's always there. Always! Fight before you give up, love before you throw it all away and don't lie about your feelings because you're scared of what will come after them.
There are lots of things you realize when you think about the past again. Weeks, months or years later and you see that you were stupid enough to let the devil on your back win. You were too weak to fight, too scared to go for what you wanted, and too doubtful to trust the people who wanted the best for you. 
If you don't trust others, trust yourself. Try to see the real person behind every fake mask and find out who's worth trusting. Don't let your demons get the best of you. 
- You didn't know what to do other than giving up and I don't blame you. I just pushed you away too many times. You tried your best and I wish I could've seen it.

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